About Me  

Sidharth Masaldaan

 Coding Monkey || Jedi Master || Binary Sunset Enthusiast || Moisture Farmer || Voracious Reader 

Hello there! My name is Sidharth Masaldaan. I am a padawan Consultant discovering the ways of the code.

Why am I still a padawan? Because there's always more to learn.

I love to help people solve tough, hard-to-untangle problems, with sustainable practices.

In my spare time, I'm a voracious reader, much to the chagrin of my better half who has to contend with a burgeoning library. I'm also an avid basketball fan, who (for a very brief period of time) rode the bench for an actual professional team (Go NGV!).

Check out my projects to see what I've been up to! Or check out my blog to see what's recently caught my eye!